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Hampshire Country Club Golf Courses in Dowagiac, Michigan :: Come golf our 36 Holes!
Hampshire Country Club Golf Courses in Dowagiac, Michigan :: Call Us: (269) 782-7476
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Hampshire Country Club Golf Courses in Dowagiac, Michigan :: Come golf our 36 Holes!

Hampshire Country Club Golf Courses in Dowagiac, Michigan :: Come golf our 36 Holes!Welcome to Hampshire Country Club.

We offer visitors and our local community the choice of two magnificent 18-hole golf courses located in beautiful Southwest Michigan.

Hampshire Country Club, the site of the Western Amateur qualifying rounds for many years, checks in at over 6600 yards from the white tees and over 7000 yards from the blue tees. A majestic golf course that should be experienced by every golfer.

Dogwood Trails is 6200 yards from the white tees and over 6800 yards from the blue tees and offers a scenic combination of wooded and rolling terrain. The younger sister to Hampshire Country Club, Dogwood Trails does not disappoint!

And now, more of our story ...

Many years ago our father, Rolfe Wells, decided to convert the family farm into an 18 hole golf course. He had 144 acres of prime land and a barn that could be converted into a clubhouse. He and several friends loved the game and he had visions of a well maintained, public golf course which was desperately needed in Southwest Michigan.

Edward Lawrence Packard, a preeminent golf course architect of the time, was hired to design the course. Robert E. Dustin, a well-know pro and green superintendent, was tapped to construct the greens. Bull dozers were called in to move earth; shaping fairways, bunkers, sand traps and ponds. An irrigation system was installed; grass and trees were planted.

This was a huge undertaking for Dad, who labored alongside the construction crew during the day and worked the night shift at a factory. Our mom, Wanda Wells, pitched in wherever needed, while caring for seven active children.

Hampshire Country Club opened for public play in 1961. Mom operated the kitchen and bar, while the youngest children, Dianne and Mary Anne, played in a sandbox in the corner of the clubhouse. The older kids, Mike, Randy, Rolly and Steve, worked with the golf course crew mowing, raking sand traps, and rotating the sprinkler heads on the initial irrigation system. As they got older, Tracey, Dianne and Mary Anne worked in the kitchen and the pro shop. Long hours were put in by all and there was no such thing as a summer vacation for the Wells family.

Extended family was also put to work. Toy Hand, Wanda's sister, agreed to temporarily help with bookkeeping duties. She ended up staying over 50 years, greeting customers year after year.

In the 1990's a second 18 holes was added on an adjacent 126 acres. Dogwood Trails was designed by Dwayne Dammeyer and Steve Wells and was a welcome addition for our public play.

Today, Hampshire Country Club and Dogwood Trails are run by the second-generation Wells Family. Steve Wells manages the operation with a loyal and hardworking crew. Rolly Wells is in the business office, and along with his wife Karen, keeps the pro shop running smoothly with an experienced staff. Lori Wells, Steve's wife, has done a great job for many years operating the kitchen and bar area. Tracey (Wells) Watson works part time in the office. Mike Wells and Mary Anne (Wells) Mock join our team for annual meetings and projects.

We are proud of our golf course. And we laugh when we agree that Dad knew a great opportunity when he saw it. He had the dream, the land, and a built-in labor force in his family. Building a golf course was the best way to have it all.

Thanks, Mom and Dad. We think of you every day.

Hampshire Country Club :: Dowagiac, Michigan

Rated by Golf Association of Michigan (GAM).

Previous site for the qualifying rounds for the Western & U.S. Amateur Championships.

Hampshire Country Club :: Dowagiac, Michigan
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Hampshire Country Club :: Dowagiac, Michigan
© 1961-
Hampshire Country Club
29592 Pokagon Hwy, Dowagiac, MI 49047

Hampshire Country Club accepts all major forms of payment
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our courses in
Dowagiac, MI
Hampshire Country Club, 29592 Pokagon Hwy, Dowagiac, MI 49047We look forward
to your golf trip!
Get a tee time:
(269) 782-7476
Design & Hosting By
Lighthouse Colorprint
(269) 428-7062

Hampshire Country Club accepts all major forms of payment
Hampshire Country Club, Inc., Dogwood Trail in Dowagiac, MI, Map & Directions | PGA.com
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Come golf our 36 Holes!